The Flash is speeding in a more positive direction. In the Season 3 finale, Barry Allen sacrificed himself to the Speed Force in order to stabilize it and save Central City, but he won’t be gone forever. However, when he returns in Season 4, he won’t be the same Barry who imprisoned himself in the Speed Force. In fact, according to star Grant Gustin, this Barry Allen will be older, wiser and more lighthearted. Speaking to the press at Comic-Con International in San Diego, Gustin discussed Barry’s sacrifice, how it changes his character and more.
“So six months have gone by… For Barry, obviously it hasn’t really been six months,” he explained. “In the Speed Force, time is kind of non-linear, and I think this experience in the Speed Force has been different for him because we’ve seen him go into the Speed Force before and have the Speed Force embody people in his life and kind of teach him the lesson that he needs to learn at that point. This time, he sacrificed himself to stabilize it, so I think he’s kind of been on his own and he’s been experiencing his entire life from start to finish again and again and again.”
“So, I think when he comes out, he’s had this awakening and understanding of things that he’s never done before and he’s been able to let go of a lot of things that initially when we see him he’s also kind of confused and jumbled and it’s been a lot, so he’s not really himself,” he added. “I got to have a really fun one-off kind of episode for my first episode back, but then — moving forward from that — we’ll see a really positive kind of Barry that will be able to appreciate his powers in a way that we used to see him appreciate them. We’re just going to have more fun this year. It’s going to be good.”
Arrow Season 6 will air on Thursday nights instead of the traditional Wednesdays, and at 9 pm instead of 8 pm. It will follow Supernatural. The Arrow Season 6 premiere date is Ocobter 12th at 9 pm.
Arrow Season 6 Cast
According to TV Line, they're searching for an Australian teenager to play an “introverted, moody and naturally athletic” guest star. Perhaps this is Slade Wilson's son?
Sydelle Noel has joined the cast of Arrow Season 6 in a recurring role. According to Variety, Noel will play Sananda Watson, an FBI agent who is investigating Oliver's connection to the Green Arrow. Uh oh!
Noel is best known for her role as Cherry "Junk Chain" Bang in Glow. She also has a role in the upcoming Black Panther movie.
It was revealed at SDCC 2017 that Michael Emerson will join Arrow Season 6.
At present, it has not yet been revealed who Emerson will be playing. We hope to learn more about his involvement soon.
Rick Gonzalez (Rene) and Juliana Harkavy (Dinah) have been promoted to series regulars in the upcoming season of the superhero drama. Man, Team Arrow's lair is getting awfully crowded. Both done a great job in their respective roles. Rene has been a real source of snarky comic relief within Team Arrow, often acting as the audience surrogate when a long-running member of Team Arrow mentions someone coming back from the dead or a particularly strange metahuman.
And though Dinah has only been part of Team Arrow for a short while, she has already added a new, much needed outsider-as-insider element to Team Arrow. Though she obviuosly cares about the team, she isn't as tied up in the Team Arrow melodrama as other members of the team, giving her some much-needed perspective.
We've got a first look at Juliana Harkavy's Dinah as the Black Canary in Arrow Season 6, courtesy of Entertainment Weekly. Check it out!
Well, Bruce Wayne will have to grow up eventually, but today is not that day. Well, at the very least, we'll get to watch more of it unfold, because Gotham Season 4 will happen in 2017.
While we know Gotham Season 4 is definitely happening, we have few details at the moment of when we can hope to see Bruce, Jim, and the rest of the gang back on our TV screens again.
The current season of Gotham put a renewed focus on famous Batman villains, while adding more to the fold. We've had the Court of Owls mystery unfolding, Edward Nygma finally going all out with his green suit and Riddler identity, the continued ascendance of Robin Lord Taylor's Oswald Cobblepot, and the most serious teases yet about the identity of the Joker.
Son of Ra's al Ghul, which was teased in the two-hour Season 3 finale with the promise of more to come, and Gotham is looking less like a Batman prequel and more like, well, a Batman TV series.
We're not there yet, though, and for fans, they have at least one more year to enjoy the ride.
Gotham Season 4 Release Date
Gotham Season 4 is moving to Thursday nights, and it will premiere on Thursday, September 21.
Gotham Season 4 Trailer.
The ending of Season 2 of Lucifer left a lot of things up in the air. Lucifer, after dealing with his mother, decides it’s time to come clean to Chloe and tell her everything. But before he can get there, he is knocked out cold. He then later wakes up in the desert, shirtless, with his wings reattached. This, of course, leads to the questions of how this will affect him and the upcoming season. Is he an angel again? How did he get the wings back? But the question that pops into my mind is: who knocked him out? The answer to that will be addressed in the new season, it appears.
TVLine is reporting that “the Fox series is casting the recurring role of what is being dubbed ‘Sinnerman,’ a slightly depraved criminal mastermind whom Lucifer suspects of kidnapping him at the close of Season 2.” The refer to this as one of the mythological elements of the series.
This isn’t the first time that series has tapped into the name Sinnerman. In Season 1, when Lucifer’s shipping contained is being stolen, Tom Ellis is shown in his club singing the Nina Simone song of the same name (one of my all-time favorites). The container of course was very important to Lucifer, as it was where he kept his wings and their theft was a major part of the story for a few episodes.
Lucifer Season 3 debuts on October 2nd.
Friday, 11 August 2017
Taking a look at Flash,Gotham,Arrow and Lucifer
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