It’s never made clear whether he went on to take his comic book alter ego, but if he did, it’s likely that his legacy lives on in the modern MCU. In the comics, Falsworth’s children followed in his footsteps as superheroes. He specifically passed on the mantle to his son Brian after his death. Joseph Chapman later took on the name in present day.
5. THE LIVING TRIBUNALIn the comics, the Living Tribunal is the arbiter of cosmic justice, and is essentially the most powerful entity in the Marvel Multiverse just beneath the One Above All. For someone so important and powerful, you would expect to see him show up in Guardians of the Galaxy or make a grand entrance in Avengers: Infinity Wars. Instead, his name gets quietly dropped in Doctor Strange.
In the 2016 film, Karl Mordo wields a weapon called the Staff of the Living Tribunal. It’s the staff he uses to train Doctor Strange, and it can take different forms to serve as several kinds of weapons. The Living Tribunal is so powerful that he doesn’t need a weapon, but if his name is showing up in the MCU, it can’t be long before we see him in “person.”
Referred to as the One-Who-Knows, Starhawk owns an incredible amount of godlike power. He also has the ability to alter and shape the future because he has existed in countless alternate universes. Stakar and Aleta didn’t become an all-powerful cosmic entity in the movie, but we don’t know what James Gunn has in store for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3.
Believe it or not, the Marvel Cinematic Universe contains multiple references to the existence of Man-Thing. In Iron Man 3, Tony Stark fights Ellen Brandt, an agent of A.I.M. who has been infected with the Extremis virus. In the comics, Brandt is the wife of Man-Thing, aka Ted Sallis. The scar on her face is said to be a reference to his acid attack on her.Man-Thing is directly name dropped by Maria Hill in the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 1 episode “Nothing Personal.” She is seen leaving a Congressional hearing while discussing those who are under S.H.I.E.L.D. surveillance on a phone call with Pepper Potts. It was also recently discovered that Man-Thing’s face is visible on the Grandmaster’s palace in Thor: Ragnarok.
In the episode “A Fractured House,” the character Marcus Scarlotti is an undercover HYDRA operative who is working within S.H.I.E.L.D. to undermine the organization. Mark Scarlotti is the civilian name of Iron Man villain Whiplash. Scarlotti wields a rope dart knife in his fight with Melinda May as a direct reference to his comic book identity. In the end, May used the weapon against its user in order to defeat him.
It is mentioned in the Season 3 episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., “The Inside Man,” that the Australian government has taken an Inhuman named Eden Fesi into custody. In the comics, Fesi is the Mutant hero Manifold, who has the ability to teleport. He was held in custody by the military so they could examine his abilities and experiment on him.S.H.I.E.L.D. was alerted to his existence and seized his documentation in order to discover his location. With this information, Phil Coulson was able to stage a rescue mission to get the Inhuman out of containment. Fesi’s test subject number read as SW4-7-2009, which is a direct reference to his first appearance in the comics—Secret Warriors #4 in July 2009.