Thursday, 24 August 2017

Rainbow Six Siege’ Debuts on September 5

It may be brief, but the Rainbow Six Siege season for “Blood Orchid” just got an interesting little twist added to it in the form of the operators. Word about them was leaked a while ago, but this is the first official news about the additions to the upcoming season. Below we see Ying, who is the only person featured in this particular video, with green hair and a love for explosives.  She has three candela devices that are triggered by a remote detonated flash bang cameras, which will do a hefty amount of damage if you happen to be nearby one. You can toss them, cook them, set them as timed explosions, or put them on a destructible surface for detonation.The other two that only get a brief amount of time compared to Ying are Lesion and Ela. Lesion uses throwable Gu mines that stick to the floor and pack a hell of a punch when detonated. More of a shock to the system than a destructible mine, but they can leave a mark on the area. The last is Polish GROM operator Ela Bosak who uses Grzmot mines, which act the same way you would see a proximity concussion mine work on a target. You can get a chance to try all of these characters out on the Rainbow Six Siege test server on August 29, followed by the official download on September 5.Below is a trailer

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