Thursday, 20 July 2017

7 marvel villians who will likely destroy the justice league

DCEU’s main superhero squad is still developing but this November, we expect them to be very badass in Justice League. Following the events of Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice, Batman and Wonder Woman started assembling superheroes to fight an impending threat, which it turns out will be Steppenwolf — Darkseid’s general who will be leading the first wave of attack from Apokolips. So far, they have added Cyborg, Flash and Aquaman. Superman, who died in BvS, is expected to return from the grave and round the team out to something we’re more familiar with from the comics, cartoons and animated movies. Sounds like quite a powerhouse lineup, right?


Mephisto plays on your weaknesses, emotions and desires, which means once he can channel the very humanity within these heroes and then break them. This devil is all about deals so he can offer Superman a chance like Marvel’s One More Day to bring Krypton –or Pa Kent — back in exchange for his soul. He may do the same for Batman’s parents and Wonder Woman’s Steve Trevor, really testing their resolve.
Death is a big thing, so for these heroes to be offered the chance to get loved ones back, it’s something they may at least consider. Mephisto is about mental attacks more than anything, so with DC’s Trinity dealt with, he can also offer Cyborg his body, Barry Allen his parents back together, and as for Aquaman, maybe domain over land and sea. He also has demonic wraiths, superhuman strength, shape and size shifting, illusion generation, memory manipulation and time alteration as tools to deploy.


The Dark Phoenix is a cosmic entity that most comic book (or cartoon) fans know about. Its power is unparalleled and it’s taken the Avengers and of course, the X-Men, to their limits. The creature possessing Jean Grey has also destroyed planets, meaning that galaxies could be devoured by its destructive flame.
This entity could easily take the League to space, where Superman alone might stand a chance. If the war happens on Earth, the likes of Batman and Cyborg would be overpowered. The Dark Phoenix requires the heaviest of hitters if it’s to be restrained, but as of Avengers vs. X-Men, it can split its power so maybe it would simply corrupt Superman and use him to take out Earth’s heroes before claiming dominion over it. This would allow him to rule the universe as the last son of Krypton.


Onslaught was formed from the dark psyches of Professor Xavier and Magneto after a psionic attack by the former on the latter. This resultant entity then proceeded to wage war on the X-Men and Avengers alike, making it his duty to take them out for good. Thank god Franklin Richards was able to store the heroes in a pocket universe during this saga.

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If he attacked the DCEU, it would be with a vicious attitude similar to Zod and with a power-set that would make the Enchantress’ magic look like child’s play. He can easily take down the League on the astral plane, although Batman and Wonder Woman would prove mentally tough to crack. Onslaught also has telekinesis, energy projection, manipulating magnetic fields, and reality alteration in his arsenal for the other members. Onslaught can also enhance its physical size and strength, which sounds like a recipe for death!


Robert Reynolds has the “power of one million exploding suns,” due to a special serum. However, as much as he’s an Avenger, he has a split personality. He goes from the heroic Sentry to the dark Void, which has been viewed as cosmic, or as the biblical angel of death. After literally tearing Ares apart in Marvel’s Siege, we can’t see the likes of Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Batman or Cyborg faring much better.
His power set makes him a mix of Superman, Hulk and Scarlet Witch as he has abilities of flight, super-strength, speed, invulnerability, energy projection and molecular manipulation. He can also create hurricanes and trap opponents in its tendrils, inflicting trauma and nightmares. He’s an omega-level threat, who can shape molecules and return from the dead, making even Superman look like a paltry threat, at best.


Hyperion is Marvel’s Superman; like, literally, he was created as a sort of Kryptonian pastiche). Recently, we saw the Marcus Milton version and his Squadron Supreme fight alongside the Avengers, but things got to a Man of Steel level as Hyperion decapitated and killed Namor, who was already in the bad books for his Wakandan attack. We have also seen more evil versions of Hyperion throughout his time at Marvel.
He’s from an alternate Earth and is difficult to control at the best of times, so throwing him into the DCEU would be like the second coming of Zod, but even worse. Superman and Wonder Woman would be the only ones able to contend with him. His speed, durability and his ability to regenerate give him the edge to tackle the Kryptonian and the Amazon princess; with them gone, and the Squadron at his back, the League would be child’s play.


Galactus is the devourer or worlds and the definition of chaos in the universe. He feeds on worlds and destroys species on a whim, which means that if he comes knocking on the DCEU’s doors, Superman may be their only chance of surviving. Oceans and cities are gobbled up by his power, which would render the likes of Aquaman, Flash, Cyborg and Batman pretty much obsolete. Imagine if Galactus brings Silver Surfer and his other heralds with him! Surely that would ruin the League’s already slim chances.
Wonder Woman, due to her godhood, may be able to put up a fight, but let’s face it, he’s beyond godhood so Superman could end up being the last line of defense. Given that he couldn’t take out Doomsday without dying and that he struggled to beat Zod, Galactus may well prove to be in another league to the Justice Leaguer.


Doom has always been a handful, not just for the Fantastic Four, but for the Avengers as well. This is why it’s so sad to see how many times Fox mishandled the character. His arrogant nature makes him so likeable though, and the thing is, despite his narcissism, he thinks he’s usually doing right by mankind.
Emperor Doom (from 2015’s Secret Wars) is the perfect villain, merging his mastery over both magic (to take down Superman, Wonder Woman and Aquaman) and science (which won’t bode well for Batman or Cyborg). As for Flash, Doom can easily use his control over time travel, thus negating the much-vaunted speed force. Emperor Doom is everything Lex would like to be, and whether we like it or not, he’d do quite a great job of defending Earth from metahumans, gods or aliens… i.e., the Justice League.

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