Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Trending Games In The Series - Destiny 2

Alongside the brand new trailer for Destiny 2, we got some other interesting news at the Sony E3 show. Not only did we get a first look at the game’s antagonist and witness the Tower’s darkest hour,
we also got a look at all of the PlayStation exclusives that Bungie is rolling out for Destiny 2.
Not only do PS4 players get exclusive gear, they’ll also get an exclusive ship called the City Apex, the exclusive sniper rifle Borealis, the Retribution map, but they also get the Lake of Shadows strike.
So, Xbox One Destiny players may want to consider a switch over to the PS4 version for the sequel. That’s a lot of exclusive content, and is the $499 Xbox One X really worth missing out an an exclusive strike?

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